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Patients with Autism Qualify for Medical Marijuana in Georgia

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental health condition that affects the way people communicate and interact with the world. Medical marijuana can help autistic individuals more calmly and effectively navigate life.  


Specifically, cannabis has shown promise in alleviating some of the anxiety and disruptive behavior patterns that often accompany autism. 


Georgia residents who experience autism can qualify for a medical marijuana card and legally possess up to 20 ounces of low delta 9 THC cannabis oil at one time. 


Official medical marijuana cardholders will also be among the first to benefit from future reform efforts across the state. 


If you’re living with autism, or just think you might be, it pays to schedule an evaluation to see if medical marijuana is a good fit for you.


What are the Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

ASD is usually diagnosed early in life when young children fail to meet key developmental milestones. However, it’s also possible for some autistic people to reach adulthood without ever receiving a formal diagnosis.


As a spectrum disorder, the signs of autism vary widely in terms of both presentation and severity. However, autism typically affects the following areas of life:  


  • Intellectual abilities 

  • Social abilities

  • Communication skills

  • Behavioral challenges

  • Sensory responses

  • Motor skills 


It is also common for autistic individuals to experience disrupted sleep cycles and unusual eating habits.

3 Easy Steps


Step 1

Schedule an appointment with one of our friendly marijuana doctors at any location throughout the State! 


Step 2

Attend a virtual evaluation with a state-certified medical marijuana doctor.


Step 3

With the doctor's approval, you'll receive your card via email from the Georgia  Board of Pharmacy.

How Can Medical Marijuana Help Georgia Autism Patients?

In addition to promoting a general sense of wellbeing, there are a few key ways that medical marijuana can help autistic people. 


Reducing Anxiety

Medical marijuana reduces activity in the amygdala, which is associated with processing fears and threats. Autistic people sometimes respond to environmental and social triggers with extreme anxiety that takes the form of disruptive, or even destructive, behavior. Responsible use of medical marijuana can lead to a healthier response to these triggers and make life more manageable for people experiencing autism. 


Stimulating Appetite 

Autistic people sometimes struggle with extreme food sensitivities and have a very limited diet and reduced appetite. Medical marijuana can help regulate these symptoms, leading to a more balanced diet and better health. 


Improving Sleep Quality 

Getting enough sleep is essential to anyone’s health, but maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is another challenge for some autistic people. Medical marijuana can be a simple solution for providing autistic individuals with regular rest. 


Many professionals believe that expanded research efforts will uncover even more ways for medical marijuana to benefit autistic patients.


Can Children Qualify for Medical Marijuana in Georgia? 

Autism is a developmental disorder frequently diagnosed during childhood. However, studies show that cannabis use is safest for adults over age 25. Georgia’s medical marijuana program strives to strike a balance, allowing minors to use medical marijuana if the potential benefits outweigh the risks. 


Georgia also allows caregivers to become medical marijuana cardholders. This way, parents and adult guardians would be held responsible for administering medical marijuana to patients under age 18. 


If you’re curious about whether medical marijuana could help your autistic child, our team of expert physicians will compassionately review your situation and make recommendations about how and when to add medical marijuana to your autistic child’s treatment plan.


How Can Autistic Patients Get Approved for a Marijuana Card in Georgia?

Whether you’re seeking medical marijuana for yourself or your autistic child, the team at Georgia Marijuana Card simplifies and de-stigmatizes every step of the approval process. Our services include: 


  • Setting up an initial consultation.

  • Locating past medical records. 

  • Filing your documents with the Georgia health department..

  • Receiving your Georgia marijuana card.

  • Renewing your Georgia marijuana card. 

  • Obtaining long-term support as you learn to use medical marijuana to treat autism. 

  • Providing you with up-to-date information about the latest in marijuana law reform


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