Despite a few expected bumps in the road, Georgia is pushing full steam ahead with the medical marijuana program, looking to have cultivation facilities operational within about a year.
While dispensary licenses are probably the next priority for the state’s marijuana commission, residents of Georgia have been on their own wave with cannabis conferences, business expos, and entrepreneurs gearing up for the cannabis boom.
Although not yet in Georgia, cannabis-themed alternative therapies are quite popular in states that have legalized cannabis for some time. In this Georgia Marijuana Card Guide we’ll give you some examples of alternative therapies that are often combined with cannabis to provide a unique complementary experience!
Top 5 Cannabis-Themed Alternative Therapies
#5. Hiking
Believe it or not, there’s a reason why “walk it off” is a saying. Walking, hiking, running, really any kind of movement is a good thing. And hiking is considerably beneficial as a therapy for bringing peace of mind, exercise, and beauty together in one package.
Hiking stimulates a lot of areas in the brain that don’t get excited while sitting in an office chair, and studies suggest hiking may promote a healthier and happier life. A light walk or hike while stoned is that much more beautiful and inviting, but make sure to stay hydrated and stick within your physical limits!
#4. Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is a critical part of muscle recovery for athletes and can be a soothing and relaxing experience for those looking to relieve extra tension. Aside from the obvious enjoyable experience of being massaged while high, incorporating CBD oil & terpene lotions into massage therapy can add an extra ounce of relaxation to the atmosphere, and is fairly commonplace in the industry already.
#3. Yoga
Yoga works incredibly well for those with stiff, sore, or limited movement. Stretching does a lot more than just get your limbs ready, and yoga can help improve dexterity, movement, and if you add cannabis, can be that much more difficult to nail a one-handed tree pose, albeit a little funnier to try. Introducing cannabis to your next yoga session can be a great tool to help slow down and dial in, highly recommend.
#2. Jiu-Jitsu
Possibly one of the more surprising ones on the list, Jiu-Jitsu ranks #2 for therapies to add cannabis to. The fighting community already boasts an impressive list of stoners and advocates, Jiu-Jitsu is excellent for cannabis lovers.
While staying safe is a priority, those who have rolled high know how much more intense it can get. With seemingly hyper focused awareness and the notion to approach new moves with different angles, cannabis might help you figure out how to avoid that pin and get a successful arm bar in.
#1. Meditation
Meditation is a powerful mental ability that can help bring awareness, understanding and peace between your emotional state and mental state. Whether it’s journaling, praying, concentrating, even listening to music is a degree of meditation for many.
Cannabis can help clear the air of messy thoughts and help you focus on things you might be having trouble with, or perhaps things that are overwhelming or even too exciting.
Dialing in to what our bodies and minds are telling us can be difficult sometimes, and introducing cannabis to your meditation, or introducing meditation to your cannabis can be a really useful tool for getting to know yourself, your expectations, abilities, thoughts, and feelings.
Get Your Georgia Marijuana Card
As a Georgia marijuana patient, you can legally purchase up to 20 ounces of low THC cannabis oil. For Georgians, this means getting the relief you need naturally and organically, and Georgia Marijuana Card is here to help.
Reserve your appointment today and get $25 off when we start processing applications!
Feel free to give us a call at (866) 781-5606, and we can help answer your questions about getting medical marijuana in Georgia