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National Overview: What are the Results of Marijuana Policy Reform?

Kelli Lynn Grey

overview of us marijuana legislation

Georgia’s medical marijuana program will take a major step forward this year when medical cannabis dispensaries open to qualifying Georgia patients. While advocates statewide celebrate this milestone, other Georgians remain divided over whether Georgia’s medical marijuana program will have a positive impact on the peach state.

The compassionate team at Georgia Marijuana Card is dedicated to helping patients in need secure and maintain their status as legally registered medical marijuana recipients. We’re also a leading source of cannabis news.

Read on for some key takeaways from a national study of states that have adopted either comprehensive medical marijuana programs or policies for recreational adult cannabis use.

1. There is the potential for restorative justice.

According to the Brookings Institution, 7 additional states legalized adult cannabis use between November 2020 and April 2021, and these efforts have “demonstrated the effectiveness of pro-cannabis reformers to frame cannabis policy as a civil rights and racial justice issue.”

Within the most recent states to legalize, cannabis reforms have been made with the explicit purpose to rehabilitate and empower both individual victims of the US war on drugs and their communities. Likewise, states that legalized earlier have since recognized many of the ways in which they barred marginalized cannabis pioneers from legally entering the industry and have begun taking steps to address this inequity.

2. There is greater tax revenue.

The most distinct benefit associated with the legalization of medical marijuana and recreational marijuana is increased tax revenue.

During 2020, the coronavirus pandemic led to decreased tax revenue across most industries. However, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy reports that cannabis-related tax revenue grew during the pandemic by 58 percent.

In total, tax revenue from the legal United States cannabis industry raised over $3 billion last year, and some states that have been resistant to marijuana policy reform are considering implementing programs due chiefly to the associated increase in taxes.

3. There is no evidence of a significant increase in crime, car crashes, violence, or the use of other illicit drugs.

It’s telling that one of the most notable aspects of cannabis reform is what hasn’t happened. According to a comprehensive study by the Cato Institute, both cannabis supporters and cannabis opponents exaggerated their claims about the positive and negative effects of cannabis legalization.

However, this revelation has mostly benefited the cannabis advocacy movement. As the authors of the Cato study state, “The absence of significant adverse consequences is especially striking given the sometimes‐​dire predictions made by legalization opponents.”

With it clearer than ever that “reefer madness” really is based in prejudice, fear, and paranoia, it’s increasingly likely that movements for marijuana legalization will continue to grow.

What does this mean for medical marijuana cardholders in Georgia?

Georgia presently allows qualified patients to possess up to 20 ounces of high CBD medical cannabis oil with a concentration of no more than 5 percent delta 9 THC.

Since implementing the foundation of this program back in 2015 with Haleigh’s Hope Act, the Georgia’s Hope Act of 2019 and subsequent legislation have helped the state position itself to launch more comprehensive marijuana law reform efforts.

Recent evidence suggesting that legalization genuinely does more good than harm is likely to encourage continued progress in Georgia.

Meanwhile, going ahead and acquiring an official Georgia marijuana card puts you first in line to benefit from future changes and serves as your ticket to enter Georgia’s first medical marijuana dispensaries later this year.

Ready to register for your Georgia medical marijuana card?

The process of joining Georgia’s medical marijuana patient registry can be confusing when you tackle it alone, but our expert team will walk you through it with efficiency and compassion. Once you’ve successfully joined the state registry, our doctors will also provide ongoing support regarding the best ways to integrate cannabis into your long-term wellness plan.

If you have been diagnosed with a qualifying condition, or think you’re experiencing symptoms, it’s worth it to connect with an experienced marijuana doctor.

Give us a call at 833-781-5605, or visit our website, to schedule an appointment and start the process of joining Georgia’s medical marijuana registry today.


Doctors Who Care. Relief You Can Trust.

At Georgia Marijuana Card, our mission is helping everyone achieve wellness safely and conveniently through increased access to medical marijuana. Our focus on education, inclusion, and acceptance will reduce stigma for our patients by providing equal access to timely information and compassionate care.

Call us at (866) 781-5606, or simply book a medical marijuana evaluation to start getting relief you can trust today!

Check out Georgia Marijuana Card’s Blog to keep up to date on the latest medical marijuana news, tips, and information. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to join the medical marijuana conversation in Georgia.

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