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Patients with PTSD Qualify for Medical Marijuana in Georgia

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious mental health condition that can severely disrupt your life, but medical marijuana provides relief for many Georgia patients. 


Cannabis can change the way memories and emotions are processed, tremendously increasing the quality of life for people who have been stuck suffering. Medical marijuana in Georgia is now legal, and access to new products is poised to expand as the program grows in the state.


When you obtain a Georgia medical marijuana card, you can legally possess up to 20 ounces of low delta 9 THC cannabis oil, and you’ll be among the first people to receive the benefits of future reform efforts. 


All PTSD patients over the age of 18 can qualify to receive medical marijuana in Georgia. You just have to complete an evaluation with a physician who is willing to recommend cannabis as a treatment option. 


If you’re living with PTSD, or think you may be suffering from PTSD, it pays to schedule an evaluation to see if medical marijuana is a good fit for you.


What are the Risk Factors of Developing PTSD? 

PTSD happens when a person experiences a traumatic event and cannot move past it and lead a productive life. Veterans and women have a particularly high risk of developing PTSD. By the numbers, here’s a look at the risk factors for developing PTSD during your lifetime. 


  • Women are twice as likely as men to develop PTSD. 

  • 30 percent of all war veterans will develop PTSD. 

  • 40 - 50 percent of people who’ve experienced physical or sexual violence will develop PTSD. 


PTSD is also common among people who have witnessed the death of a loved one, or who have experienced serious illness, natural disasters, or abusive childhoods. 

3 Easy Steps


Step 1

Schedule an appointment with one of our friendly marijuana doctors at any location throughout the State! 


Step 2

Attend a virtual evaluation with a state-certified medical marijuana doctor.


Step 3

With the doctor's approval, you'll receive your card via email from the Georgia  Board of Pharmacy.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of PTSD? 

There are three classic signs that a person is experiencing PTSD: avoiding situations and people that trigger traumatic memories, feeling on-guard at all times, and constantly replaying traumatic memories through nightmares and flashbacks.


However, the following behaviors are also symptoms of PTSD:

  • Depression

  • Feeling disconnected from friends or family

  • Guilt

  • Substance abuse

  • Chronic pain or fatigue

  • Risky behaviors

  • Insomnia

  • Frequent headaches

  • Loss of enjoyment of actives you used to engage in regularly


Common treatments of PTSD include prescription antidepressants and talk therapy. 


Meanwhile, PTSD sufferers often report that consuming cannabis is what helps the most. Recent studies back up the idea that medical marijuana, especially when combined with talk therapy, can be effective at alleviating the symptoms of PTSD. 


How Can Medical Marijuana Help Georgia PTSD Patients?

In addition to promoting a general sense of wellbeing, recent studies show that medical marijuana combats PTSD in two key ways. 


First, cannabis consumption reduces activity in the amygdala. This is the brain region associated with processing fears and threats. When amygdala activity slows in someone with PTSD, then feelings of being threatened decrease and become less severe. 


Second, cannabis produces what Yale professor R. Andrew Sewell calls “extinction learning.” This means that cannabis can actually help PTSD patients rewire their thoughts so that traumatic memories are not longer as influential and accessible. 


How Can PTSD Patients Get Approved for a Marijuana Card in Georgia?

No part of becoming a medical marijuana patient should be stressful. Yet, the expert team at Georgia Marijuana Card understands that Georgia medical marijuana laws can be confusing. We simplify and de-stigmatize every step of the process by: 


  • Setting up an initial consultation.

  • Locating past medical records. 

  • Filing your documents with the Georgia health department..

  • Receiving your Georgia marijuana card.

  • Renewing your Georgia marijuana card. 

  • Obtaining long-term support as you learn to use medical marijuana to treat your PTSD. 

  • Providing you with up-to-date information about the latest in marijuana law reform

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